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UHS Introduces New Senior Lounge

Sep 28, 2024

1 min read




Karolina Simonik ‘27


At the beginning of the school year, a special project was brought to the school building. Principal Dr. Amy Jenkins created the idea of a student lounge, specifically for the seniors. The senior lounge, situated in room 220, has been a massive hit within the class of 2025. Throughout the school day, many seniors can be seen walking in or out of the senior lounge at Lunch and Learn or during study halls.

Jenkins wanted to make the school more enjoyable for students. The senior lounge

was created for this exact purpose: an area in which students can relax and decompress after classes and tests. Jenkins said, “We wanted another place like the library, but less chaotic.”

The idea began when she heard students expressing that they wished they had another place to relax and socialize with peers. When teachers and staff went on a retreat to Flux Space in Norristown, the plan was set into motion. When the 2024-2025

school year began, the seniors were able to witness the new space for themselves.

The senior lounge can be described as a larger classroom, with flexible seating and personalized decorations added by students. Jenkins loved watching the students “make it their own” by adding details including paintings and student signatures on the walls. Jenkins said, “If you build it, they'll come, and make it their own”, which fully encapsulates what the students have done with the lounge.

Additionally, the senior lounge is similar to a college campus, which can provide students with a more familiar environment before going off to places after high school.

Sep 28, 2024

1 min read





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